A list of credentials to log into different Bulletin Boards once you've dialed in. Provided by telnetbbsguide.com
A list of credentials to log into different Bulletin Boards once you've dialed in. Provided by telnetbbsguide.com
BBS Name | BBS Username/Password |
13th Floor BBS | 13thfloor |
13th Leader BBS | 13thleader |
20 For Beers BBS | 20forbeers |
300 F-ing Baud BBS | 300fingbaud |
3CTime BBS | 3ctime |
3D Realms | 3drealms |
4 Wheel Ham BBS | 4wheelham |
4D2 Dot Org | 4d2dotorg |
64 Vintage BBS | 64vintage |
68k Mac Club | 68kmacclub |
68K Time Machine BBS | 68ktimemachine |
79 Columns | 79columns |
8-Bit Archive | 8bitarchive |
8-Bit Boyz BBS | 8bitboyz |
8-Bit Playground | 8bitplayground |
8Bit Club BBS | 8bitclub |
A-Net Online (Mystic) | anetonlinemystic |
A-Net Online (Synchronet) | anetonlinesynchronet |
A1 BBS | a1 |
Abandoned Stardock | abandonedstardock |
Absinthe BBS | absinthe |
Abyss BBS | abyss |
Ace of Spades BBS | aceofspades |
Acid Underworld | acidunderworld |
ACS BBS | acs |
Adept BBS TWGS | adepttwgs |
Adept Online Entertainment | adeptonlineentertainment |
After Hours BBS | afterhours |
Aftershock BBS | aftershock |
Agency BBS | agency |
Aincrad BBS | aincrad |
Air & Wave BBS | air&wave |
Al's Geek Lab BBS | alsgeeklab |
AlcaBBS | alca |
Alcatraz BBS | alcatraz |
Alcoholiday BBS (Mystic) | alcoholidaymystic |
Alcoholiday BBS (Renegade) | alcoholidayrenegade |
Ale's BBS | ales |
Aleco Experience BBS | alecoexperience |
Alien Mindbenders BBS | alienmindbenders |
Aliens' Alcove! | aliensalcove! |
Alltsk | alltsk |
Alpha Centauri BBS | alphacentauri |
Alphachron BBS | alphachron |
AlphaNet | alphanet |
Altair IV BBS | altairiv |
Altar of Wares | altarofwares |
American Connection BBS | americanconnection |
Amiga CBM BBS | amigacbm |
Amiga City | amigacity |
Amiga Retro Brisbane BBS | amigaretrobrisbane |
Amiga Underground (AmiExpress) | amigaundergroundamiexpress |
Amiga Underground (TWGS) | amigaundergroundtwgs |
Amis XE | amisxe |
AMSTRAD BBS | amstrad |
Analog Waffle | analogwaffle |
Anarchy BBS | anarchy |
Anarchy Underground | anarchyunderground |
Android City | androidcity |
Anduin BBS | anduin |
Animation Game Station (Animeyo) | animationgamestationanimeyo |
Another Droid BBS | anotherdroid |
Another F-ing BBS | anotherfing |
Another Millennium BBS | anothermillennium |
ANSITex | ansitex |
Anti Earth Union Government (Chinese) | antiearthuniongovernmentchinese |
Antidote | antidote |
Antikitera | antikitera |
Arcadia BBS | arcadia |
Archaic Binary | archaicbinary |
ArcticZone Online Entertainment (1) | arcticzoneonlineentertainment1 |
ArcticZone Online Entertainment (2) | arcticzoneonlineentertainment2 |
ARDA-BBS.com | arda.com |
Area 52 | area52 |
Arena BBS | arena |
Argen-X | argenx |
Armageddon BBS | armageddon |
ARTNET | artnet |
AT2K Design BBS | at2kdesign |
Atari Portfolio BBS (POFOBBS) | atariportfoliopofo |
Atavachron BBS | atavachron |
Athelstan BBS | athelstan |
Atlantis BBS | atlantis |
Atmosphere BBS (NTU) | atmospherentu |
Attic BBS | attic |
Auntie Bodies BBS | auntiebodies |
Avalon Isle BBS | avalonisle |
Avast! BBS | avast! |
Avogodro BBS | avogodro |
Ayashii Channel BBS | ayashiichannel |
BabzWorld | babzworld |
Back to the Future | backtothefuture |
Backwood Realm BBS | backwoodrealm |
Baffa BBS | baffa |
Bahamut BBS | bahamut |
Basement BBS | basement |
Bass Planet | bassplanet |
Battlestar ]I[ BBS | battlestari |
Battlestar Atlantis | battlestaratlantis |
Battlestar BBS | battlestar |
Battlestar Eternity | battlestareternity |
Battlestar Gemini BBS | battlestargemini |
Battlestar III BBS | battlestariii |
Battlestar Pegasus | battlestarpegasus |
Baudville | baudville |
Bayou BBS | bayou |
BBS Development | development |
BBS GameTime (MajorBBS) | gametimemajor |
BBS GameTime (Menu) | gametimemenu |
BBS GameTime (PCBoard) | gametimepcboard |
BBS GameTime (Synchronet) | gametimesynchronet |
BBS OldChat | oldchat |
BBS Retrocampus | retrocampus |
BBS Tournament Wordle | tournamentwordle |
BBS.JasonWalker.ca | .jasonwalker.ca |
BBS.Telearena.us | .telearena.us |
BCG-Box | bcgbox |
BCR Games Server | bcrgamesserver |
Bear's Den | bearsden |
Beckinsdale | beckinsdale |
Bedrock BBS | bedrock |
BeeBS II | beebsii |
BEER-ISAC BBS | beerisac |
Beggar's Canyon | beggarscanyon |
Beiyou Forum | beiyouforum |
Big Rabbit BBS | bigrabbit |
Big Time BBS | bigtime |
Big5 BBS | big5 |
BirdEnuf BBS | birdenuf |
Bits & Bytes BBS | bits&bytes |
Bitwoods RBBS-PC | bitwoodsrpc |
Black Flag BBS | blackflag |
Black House BBS | blackhouse |
Black Tower BBS | blacktower |
Blackfair's Manor | blackfairsmanor |
BlackICE | blackice |
Blacklight Underground | blacklightunderground |
Blood Stone | bloodstone |
Blood Storm | bloodstorm |
BLOODBBS | blood |
Bloodlust BBS | bloodlust |
Blue Wave BBS | bluewave |
Boar's Head Tavern | boarsheadtavern |
BodaX BBS | bodax |
BoobTube | boobtube |
Boot Factory 2K+ | bootfactory2k+ |
Borderline BBS | borderline |
Bottomless Abyss BBS | bottomlessabyss |
BrainToys BBS | braintoys |
Brazi.net | brazi.net |
Brett Bender BBS | brettbender |
Brewery BBS | brewery |
Brian's Blog TWGS | briansblogtwgs |
Brokedown Palace BBS | brokedownpalace |
Broken Bubble | brokenbubble |
Bucko's Den | buckosden |
Bunker 3 | bunker3 |
Butterfly BBS | butterfly |
ByteBarn BBS | bytebarn |
ByteXchange BBS | bytexchange |
C3BBS | c3 |
Cabana Bar BBS | cabanabar |
Cabin BBS | cabin |
Canerduh BBS | canerduh |
Capital Station BBS | capitalstation |
Capitol City Online BBS | capitolcityonline |
Capitol Shrill BBS | capitolshrill |
Captain's Quarters BBS & AE Line | captainsquarters&aeline |
Captain's Quarters BBS II | captainsquartersii |
Castle Rock BBS | castlerock |
Catpit BBS | catpit |
Cave BBS | cave |
CB2 Micro BBS | cb2micro |
Cbaxyz TWGS | cbaxyztwgs |
CBBS/TN | c/tn |
CCUW BBS | ccuw |
CCX BBS | ccx |
CedarValley BBS | cedarvalley |
CedarValley BBS 2 | cedarvalley2 |
CedarValley's Arcade | cedarvalleysarcade |
Cellar BBS | cellar |
Central Ontario Remote (Game Server) | centralontarioremotegameserver |
Central Ontario Remote (Mystic) | centralontarioremotemystic |
Centronian BBS | centronian |
Cheez Daddy's House of Funk | cheezdaddyshouseoffunk |
Choice Core BBS (1st) | choicecore1st |
Choice Core BBS (2nd) | choicecore2nd |
Choice Core BBS (4th) | choicecore4th |
Choice Core BBS (6th) | choicecore6th |
Chookfest BBS | chookfest |
Chris BBS | chris |
Chris Denney TWGS | chrisdenneytwgs |
Christian Fellowship | christianfellowship |
Chrysalis Online Services TBBS BBS | chrysalisonlineservicest |
CIA Amiga BBS | ciaamiga |
Citadel 64 BBS | citadel64 |
Cittadella BBS | cittadella |
City on the Edge of Forever | cityontheedgeofforever |
Civil Commune | civilcommune |
Clackerworks | clackerworks |
Classic Macs BBS | classicmacs |
ClassicMUD | classicmud |
Closed Society BBS (Oblivion/2) | closedsocietyoblivion/2 |
Clover Love (Chinese) | cloverlovechinese |
Clube da Insonia BBS | clubedainsonia |
Clutch | clutch |
Coal Mine BBS | coalmine |
Code Red BBS | codered |
Cold Fusion BBS | coldfusion |
Cold Winter Knights | coldwinterknights |
Colorado Springs Central Net TWGS | coloradospringscentralnettwgs |
Colossus BBS | colossus |
Comfy Club BBS | comfyclub |
Commander Central | commandercentral |
Commodore Image | commodoreimage |
Commodore Image II | commodoreimageii |
Commodore Image III | commodoreimageiii |
Comms Nuts BBS | commsnuts |
Computer Connection | computerconnection |
Computer Express | computerexpress |
Computer God | computergod |
Constructive Chaos TWGS | constructivechaostwgs |
ConstructiveChaos BBS | constructivechaos |
Cool David | cooldavid |
Cottonwood BBS | cottonwood |
Crack In Time BBS | crackintime |
Crappie Cracker Online BBS | crappiecrackeronline |
Crazy Eric's BBS | crazyerics |
Crazy Paradise | crazyparadise |
Crisis BBS | crisis |
CrNet BBS | crnet |
Cruncher`s TWGS | cruncher`stwgs |
Crusty Chicken TWGS | crustychickentwgs |
Crypt BBS (1) | crypt1 |
Crypt BBS (2) | crypt2 |
Crystal Palace | crystalpalace |
Cult of The Dead Fox BBS | cultofthedeadfox |
Curfew BBS | curfew |
CW Shack BBS | cwshack |
Cyberia BBS | cyberia |
Cyberspace BBS (Synchronet) | cyberspacesynchronet |
Cyberspace BBS (Worldgroup) | cyberspaceworldgroup |
D0P3 BBS | d0p3 |
Dancing with South | dancingwithsouth |
Danger Bay BBS | dangerbay |
Dank Domain | dankdomain |
Dark Endless | darkendless |
Dark Forces BBS | darkforces |
Dark Game BBS | darkgame |
Dark Matter BBS | darkmatter |
Dark Realms | darkrealms |
Dark Systems BBS | darksystems |
Dark Wastelands | darkwastelands |
Darkages BBS | darkages |
DarkForce! BBS | darkforce! |
Darklevel | darklevel |
DarkMatter's TWGS | darkmatterstwgs |
Darkwood BBS | darkwood |
Datanet BBS | datanet |
Dave's BBS | daves |
Dawn of Demise (1) | dawnofdemise1 |
Dawn of Demise (2) | dawnofdemise2 |
Dawn of Demise (3) | dawnofdemise3 |
DawnCHAOTIC | dawnchaotic |
Dead Carrier BBS | deadcarrier |
Dead World's Dead BBS N Shit | deadworldsdeadnshit |
Dead Zone BBS | deadzone |
Deadbeatz BBS | deadbeatz |
Deadline BBS | deadline |
Death Row BBS | deathrow |
DeepSkies BBS | deepskies |
Delaware BBS | delaware |
Delta City BBS | deltacity |
Demigoth BBS | demigoth |
Demonsnet BBS | demonsnet |
Desert Rats Sanctuary BBS | desertratssanctuary |
Desert Rats Sanctuary TWGS | desertratssanctuarytwgs |
DHXY | dhxy |
Diamond Mine Online (Synchronet) | diamondmineonlinesynchronet |
Diamond Mine Online (WWIV) | diamondmineonlinewwiv |
Digicom BBS | digicom |
Digital Distortion | digitaldistortion |
Digital Lethargia BBS | digitallethargia |
Digital Post | digitalpost |
Digital Rainbow | digitalrainbow |
Digital Zone | digitalzone |
Digital-X DHQ | digitalxdhq |
Dime BBS | dime |
Disconnected by Peer BBS | disconnectedbypeer |
Diskbox ][ | diskbox |
Diskhoppers Palace BBS | diskhopperspalace |
Distortion | distortion |
DJ Dave BBS | djdave |
DJ's Place | djsplace |
DniproWave BBS | dniprowave |
Dock Sud | docksud |
Dogtown BBS | dogtown |
Donghua Univ. Oriental Town | donghuauniv.orientaltown |
Doozy | doozy |
Dove Only | doveonly |
DownUnder BBS | downunder |
Dragon World BBS | dragonworld |
Dragon's Lair BBS (1) | dragonslair1 |
Dragon's Lair BBS (2) | dragonslair2 |
DragonsWeb Labs BBS | dragonsweblabs |
Dream Garden | dreamgarden |
Dream Land BBS | dreamland |
Dreamland BBS | dreamland |
Dreamline BBS | dreamline |
DUAO BBS | duao |
Dundarach BBS | dundarach |
Dungeon BBS | dungeon |
Dura-Europos | duraeuropos |
Dynamite BBS (1) | dynamite1 |
Dynamite BBS (2) | dynamite2 |
Dyslexic Donkey | dyslexicdonkey |
Eagle's Dare BBS | eaglesdare |
Eat My Shorts! BBS | eatmyshorts! |
Echo Base BBS | echobase |
Eclipse BBS | eclipse |
Efectolinux | efectolinux |
El Burro Diablo | elburrodiablo |
El Vico | elvico |
Electronic Chicken BBS | electronicchicken |
Elevator BBS | elevator |
Emancipation BBS | emancipation |
EMF BBS | emf |
Empire of the Dragon BBS | empireofthedragon |
EMU486 | emu486 |
End Of The Line BBS | endoftheline |
ENiAC 2.0 BBS | eniac2.0 |
Enigma BBS | enigma |
Enlight BBS | enlight |
Enterprise BBS | enterprise |
Entropy BBS | entropy |
ERICADE Network | ericadenetwork |
Error 200 Tech BBS | error200tech |
Error 404 (TWGS) | error404twgs |
Error 404 BBS File Server | error404fileserver |
Error 404 BBS Phone Book | error404phonebook |
Eternal Domain BBS | eternaldomain |
Ethernet Gateway | ethernetgateway |
Exotica BBS | exotica |
Extreme BBS | extreme |
Extricate BBS | extricate |
Eye of the Beholder | eyeofthebeholder |
Eye of the Storm | eyeofthestorm |
Fading Black | fadingblack |
Faith Collapsing BBS | faithcollapsing |
Faker BBS | faker |
Falken BBS | falken |
Family BBS | family |
Fatcats BBS | fatcats |
FDD1 | fdd1 |
FengLin BBS | fenglin |
Fennec BBS | fennec |
Fercho BBS | fercho |
File Bank BBS | filebank |
File Cabinet BBS | filecabinet |
Files 4 Fun BBS | files4fun |
Final Zone BBS | finalzone |
Fireball Express (VADV) | fireballexpressvadv |
FlipperZero BBS | flipperzero |
FlupH BBS | fluph |
Fluxpod Information Exchange | fluxpodinformationexchange |
FMRL | fmrl |
Foenix Rising (1) | foenixrising1 |
Foenix Rising (2) | foenixrising2 |
Fone Company BBS (Color 64) | fonecompanycolor64 |
Fone Company BBS (Supra 128) | fonecompanysupra128 |
Fool's Quarter BBS | foolsquarter |
Forem XE BBS | foremxe |
Forgotten Memories | forgottenmemories |
Forze BBS | forze |
Free Corner | freecorner |
Freeside BBS | freeside |
Freeway BBS | freeway |
French Connection | frenchconnection |
Fria Bad BBS | friabad |
Frieltek Consulting BBS | frieltekconsulting |
Frozen Floppy BBS | frozenfloppy |
Frugal Computing BBS | frugalcomputing |
fTelnet Demo Server | ftelnetdemoserver |
Funtopia | funtopia |
Future World II | futureworldii |
Galaxy 74 BBS | galaxy74 |
Game Master | gamemaster |
Gamenet BBS Network | gamenetnetwork |
Gate BBS (Synchronet) | gatesynchronet |
Gate BBS (WWIV) | gatewwiv |
GCC-BBS | gcc |
GDOS BBS | gdos |
Generation III Pot-D | generationiiipotd |
Genetic-Point BBS | geneticpoint |
Ghosts in the Machine | ghostsinthemachine |
GlitchNet | glitchnet |
Global Chaos BBS | globalchaos |
Global Village BBS | globalvillage |
Goodwin BBS | goodwin |
Goosenet BBS | goosenet |
Greywolf's Den | greywolfsden |
Gridlock BBS | gridlock |
Grimoire BBS | grimoire |
Grinches Realm | grinchesrealm |
Ground Control BBS | groundcontrol |
Guardian of Forever | guardianofforever |
Guru BBS | guru |
GZR BBS | gzr |
Haciend El Bananas | haciendelbananas |
Hacki Shack | hackishack |
Hackmeeting 0x1B BBS | hackmeeting0x1b |
Hagar's Helpline | hagarshelpline |
Halcyon BBS | halcyon |
Halls of Valhalla BBS | hallsofvalhalla |
Happyland | happyland |
Hard Drive Cafe | harddrivecafe |
Hated Reality | hatedreality |
Hawaii BBS Atari 8 Bit | hawaiiatari8bit |
Hax0r's Palace | hax0rspalace |
Heatwave | heatwave |
Heights BBS | heights |
Hellas BBS | hellas |
Hemisphere | hemisphere |
Herbies BBS II | herbiesii |
HeXed BBS | hexed |
Hidden BBS | hidden |
Hidden Paradise | hiddenparadise |
Hidden Paradise II | hiddenparadiseii |
High Desert BBS | highdesert |
Highernest TWGS | highernesttwgs |
HispaMSX BBS | hispamsx |
Hobbit Empire | hobbitempire |
Hobbit Station BBS | hobbitstation |
Hobby Line! BBS | hobbyline! |
Hohimer BBS | hohimer |
Hold Fast BBS | holdfast |
Hologram Computing BBS | hologramcomputing |
Honey-At-Home | honeyathome |
Horizon BBS | horizon |
House of Baud BBS | houseofbaud |
House Papillon | housepapillon |
Huanian Xiaoji | huanianxiaoji |
HyNET BBS | hynet |
Hypernode | hypernode |
HyprBULLETIN | hyprbulletin |
Hysteria BBS | hysteria |
IB-BBS | ib |
Ice Castle BBS | icecastle |
Ilefinian Castle | ilefiniancastle |
Imzadi Box | imzadibox |
In Volnay Veritas BBS | involnayveritas |
Inconsistency BBS | inconsistency |
Infinite Dream BBS | infinitedream |
Infonet BBS | infonet |
Insane Asylum BBS (1) | insaneasylum1 |
Insane Asylum BBS (2) | insaneasylum2 |
Integrated Telecommunications Centre | integratedtelecommunicationscentre |
Iowa Student Assc. BBS (ISCA) | iowastudentassc.isca |
IPTIA BBS (Synchronet) | iptiasynchronet |
ISIS Unveiled | isisunveiled |
ITBnet BBS | itbnet |
Itchy Butt BBS (Amiga) | itchybuttamiga |
Itchy Butt BBS (Color 64) | itchybuttcolor64 |
Jamie BBS | jamie |
JawnCon0x1 BBS | jawncon0x1 |
Joe's Computer BBS | joescomputer |
Jolly Roger BBS | jollyroger |
Julia OVH | juliaovh |
JumpStart BBS | jumpstart |
Jungle BBS (1) | jungle1 |
Jungle BBS (2) | jungle2 |
Just Another BBS | justanother |
Justice Fist BBS | justicefist |
KANSIT WHQ BBS | kansitwhq |
Kats Alley | katsalley |
Kaypro BBS | kaypro |
KCM BBS System | kcmsystem |
KD3net | kd3net |
KD8HFX | kd8hfx |
KD8ZRL Net Underground | kd8zrlnetunderground |
KEEP BBS | keep |
Kilobyte | kilobyte |
Kirika BBS | kirika |
KiwiMates | kiwimates |
KK4QBN BBS | kk4qbn |
Kludge | kludge |
Knoxville Regenerative Co-Op | knoxvilleregenerativecoop |
Korenblom | korenblom |
Kraaby Gamer BBS | kraabygamer |
Kuehlbox | kuehlbox |
Kyrandia | kyrandia |
La Baya BBS | labaya |
Lab BBS (EleBBS Win32) | labelewin32 |
Lab BBS (Menu) | labmenu |
Lab BBS (Mystic) | labmystic |
Lab BBS (Synchronet) | labsynchronet |
Lair of the Wolverine (TWGS) | lairofthewolverinetwgs |
Lair of the Wolverine (WWIV) | lairofthewolverinewwiv |
Lake House BBS | lakehouse |
Land of Nye | landofnye |
Land of the Lost | landofthelost |
Landover BBS | landover |
Last Rangers' BBS | lastrangers |
Lee's BBS | lees |
Leisure Time BBS | leisuretime |
Level 29 | level29 |
Lexicon BBS (Enigma 1/2) | lexiconenigma1/2 |
Lexicon BBS (Image BBS) | lexiconimage |
Liane BBS | liane |
Lilac Community BBS | lilaccommunity |
Line Noise BBS | linenoise |
Liquid Digital | liquiddigital |
Local Yocal BBS | localyocal |
Lofi BBS | lofi |
Lopht BBS | lopht |
Lord.stabs.org | lord.stabs.org |
Lost Cause Halfway House | lostcausehalfwayhouse |
Lost Caverns BBS | lostcaverns |
Lost Chord BBS (Commodore BBS) | lostchordcommodore |
Lost Chord BBS (Searchlight BBS) | lostchordsearchlight |
Lost Chord BBS (Synchronet BBS) | lostchordsynchronet |
Lost Crypt BBS | lostcrypt |
Lostways BBS | lostways |
LowCrash DEV BBS | lowcrashdev |
Lunar Mod | lunarmod |
Lunatics Unleashed BBS | lunaticsunleashed |
LV-426 | lv426 |
M. Station | m.station |
Machdyne BBS | machdyne |
Made To Raid | madetoraid |
Madman with a Blue Box | madmanwithabluebox |
MadWorld BBS | madworld |
Magic Systems | magicsystems |
Magnum BBS | magnum |
Maiks Place BBS | maiksplace |
Major Mudd | majormudd |
MajorBBS V10 Alpha Site | majorv10alphasite |
Malevolence | malevolence |
Maniac Zone | maniaczone |
Manic Modem BBS | manicmodem |
Mark Van Daele's TWGS | markvandaelestwgs |
MartyLake Club | martylakeclub |
Master Boot Record | masterbootrecord |
MasterCom | mastercom |
Mastodon | mastodon |
MaxBBS | max |
Mbpeikert | mbpeikert |
MBSE Professional Dev BBS | mbseprofessionaldev |
Memphis TW BBS | memphistw |
Memphis TW TWGS | memphistwtwgs |
Mentzer's Manor | mentzersmanor |
Metro Olografix | metroolografix |
Metropolis | metropolis |
Meuw BBS | meuw |
Michael Sennett's TWGS | michaelsennettstwgs |
Mick's Place BBS | micksplace |
MicroBlaster TWGS | microblastertwgs |
Microtown BBS | microtown |
Midnight Lounge | midnightlounge |
MikusBBS | mikus |
Mimac Rebirth | mimacrebirth |
Missing Links | missinglinks |
Miya Net | miyanet |
Mizuki Community (Newsmth BBS) | mizukicommunitynewsmth |
Modemo Tider | modemotider |
Moe's Tavern | moestavern |
Mojo's World BBS | mojosworld |
Mondstadt BBS | mondstadt |
Monochrome | monochrome |
Monterey BBS (Daydream) | montereydaydream |
Monterey BBS (Mystic) | montereymystic |
Moon Base Alpha (TWGS) | moonbasealphatwgs |
Moon Base Alpha (VADV) | moonbasealphavadv |
Morale BBS | morale |
Moratahack | moratahack |
MorningSide Mortuary | morningsidemortuary |
Mousenet | mousenet |
Mozy's Swamp and Red Dwarf BBS | mozysswampandreddwarf |
MRT BBS | mrt |
MS-Bob BBS | msbob |
MSmac BBS | msmac |
MtlGeek (Synchronet) | mtlgeeksynchronet |
MtlGeek (TWGS) | mtlgeektwgs |
Muinet | muinet |
MULTINUBE-BBS | multinube |
Music Station | musicstation |
Mutiny BBS (1) | mutiny1 |
Mutiny BBS (2) | mutiny2 |
Mutiny Community | mutinycommunity |
My Retro Computer | myretrocomputer |
Mysmth BBS | mysmth |
Mysteria Majicka BBS | mysteriamajicka |
Mystic BBS Alpha Test System | mysticalphatestsystem |
Mystic Dog BBS | mysticdog |
Mystic Dreams | mysticdreams |
Mystic Garden | mysticgarden |
Mystic Hobbies | mystichobbies |
Mystic Pi BBS | mysticpi |
Mystic Realms | mysticrealms |
Mystic Rhythms BBS | mysticrhythms |
Mystic River | mysticriver |
Mythical Kingdom Tech BBS (1) | mythicalkingdomtech1 |
N3HYM Amateur Radio BBS | n3hymamateurradio |
N4TDX BBS | n4tdx |
N8JLK BBS | n8jlk |
Nanyang Inn | nanyanginn |
NAsoft BBS | nasoft |
NE BBS | ne |
Neo-Vintage BBS | neovintage |
NerdRage BBS | nerdrage |
Nervous Hospital | nervoushospital |
NetPoint | netpoint |
Nettwerked BBS | nettwerked |
Never Never Land BBS | neverneverland |
New World of the Internet | newworldoftheinternet |
Next Generation Lost | nextgenerationlost |
Nexus BBS | nexus |
Nidaros BBS | nidaros |
Night Owl BBS | nightowl |
Nightbite BBS | nightbite |
Nightfall Ordain | nightfallordain |
NightLight BBS | nightlight |
Nightmare BBS | nightmare |
Nikom BBS | nikom |
Nimbus BBS | nimbus |
Nine Worlds BBS | nineworlds |
Ninjalane Labs BBS | ninjalanelabs |
Nishi's BBS | nishis |
Nite Eyes BBS | niteeyes |
Nitebite | nitebite |
NiteLite BBS | nitelite |
Nitro Store | nitrostore |
No Carrier BBS | nocarrier |
Non-Existant BBS | nonexistant |
North One Girls Middle School | northonegirlsmiddleschool |
Noverdu (Mystic) | noverdumystic |
Noverdu (TWGS) | noverdutwgs |
NoWhere TWGS | nowheretwgs |
Nuclear Club | nuclearclub |
Oasis BBS | oasis |
Off The Wall | offthewall |
Oiran Alien Museum | oiranalienmuseum |
Old Highland Borg | oldhighlandborg |
Old Net BBS | oldnet |
Old School BBS | oldschool |
Old Time BBS (Mystic) | oldtimemystic |
Old Time BBS (Synchronet) | oldtimesynchronet |
Old Time's Sake BBS | oldtimessake |
Oldest Future Object | oldestfutureobject |
OmegaMUD BBS | omegamud |
Onix BBS | onix |
Onyx | onyx |
Open Forum! | openforum! |
Operation Ivy BBS | operationivy |
Operation: Overkill BBS | operation:overkill |
Optical Illusion BBS | opticalillusion |
OPTO 22 BBS | opto22 |
Orchestra BBS | orchestra |
Other Realm BBS | otherrealm |
Outer Limits | outerlimits |
Outpost 9 | outpost9 |
Outpost BBS | outpost |
Outwest BBS | outwest |
P.U.L.S.E. BBS World HQ | p.u.l.s.e.worldhq |
Paladium BBS | paladium |
Palantir BBS (1) | palantir1 |
Palantir BBS (2) | palantir2 |
PapiChulo's MajorBBS | papichulosmajor |
Paradox BBS (1) | paradox1 |
Paradox BBS (2) | paradox2 |
Paranoid BBS | paranoid |
Parity Error BBS | parityerror |
Part-Time BBS | parttime |
Particles! BBS | particles! |
Path Unknown BBS | pathunknown |
Pebkac.lol | pebkac.lol |
Penalty Box BBS | penaltybox |
Penny BBS | penny |
Pepzi BBS | pepzi |
Performance Leasing Systems | performanceleasingsystems |
Personal Home Cloud | personalhomecloud |
Pesto BBS | pesto |
Petoria BBS | petoria |
Phantasm | phantasm |
Phantom BBS | phantom |
Pharcyde BBS | pharcyde |
Phatstar Teleporter | phatstarteleporter |
Phoenix BBS | phoenix |
Phospher BBS | phospher |
PhreakNet | phreaknet |
PipeLine BBS | pipeline |
Piranha BBS | piranha |
Pixelground BBS (Enigma 1/2) | pixelgroundenigma1/2 |
Pixelgrounds BBS (Worldgroup) | pixelgroundsworldgroup |
Planet Afr0 | planetafr0 |
Plasma Sphere BBS | plasmasphere |
Play LORD | playlord |
PMF BBS | pmf |
Poast BBS | poast |
Poignant Beacon (Pharos BBS) | poignantbeaconpharos |
Port of Call BBS (Image) | portofcallimage |
Port of Call BBS (Renegade) | portofcallrenegade |
Port of Call BBS (Synchronet) | portofcallsynchronet |
Pot O' Gold BBS | potogold |
Power Core | powercore |
Pretzel Systems BBS | pretzelsystems |
PrimeNet | primenet |
Prison Board (BBBS) | prisonboardb |
Prison Board (Game Lounge) | prisonboardgamelounge |
Prison Board (Menu) | prisonboardmenu |
Prison Board (Mystic) | prisonboardmystic |
Prison Board (ProBoard) | prisonboardproboard |
Prison Board (Renegade) | prisonboardrenegade |
Prison Board (Synchronet) | prisonboardsynchronet |
Prison Board (Telegard) | prisonboardtelegard |
Prison Board (VADV) | prisonboardvadv |
Prison Board (Wildcat v4) | prisonboardwildcatv4 |
Prison Board (Wildcat v8) | prisonboardwildcatv8 |
Pro-Kegs | prokegs |
Protoweb BBS | protoweb |
Public Electronic Networked Information System | publicelectronicnetworkedinformationsystem |
Pweck's Retreat BBS | pwecksretreat |
QL Dump | qldump |
Quantum Rift | quantumrift |
Quantum Wormhole | quantumwormhole |
Quazar BBS Door Game Server | quazardoorgameserver |
Quest for Zen | questforzen |
Quest TWGS | questtwgs |
Radio Freqs and Geeks BBS | radiofreqsandgeeks |
Rainbow's Digital Disaster | rainbowsdigitaldisaster |
Ralser Lab BBS | ralserlab |
RAMIUS | ramius |
RapidFire | rapidfire |
Rats Den BBS | ratsden |
Raveolution | raveolution |
Rayzer's BBS | rayzers |
RayzerNET BBS | rayzernet |
Razz Pie BBS | razzpie |
RBB Systems Int'l | rbbsystemsintl |
RC-BOX | rcbox |
Realitycheck BBS | realitycheck |
Realm BBS | realm |
Realm of Darkness | realmofdarkness |
Realm of Serion | realmofserion |
Realm of the Wizard's Lair | realmofthewizardslair |
Red Dragon BBS | reddragon |
ReichBBS | reich |
Reign of Fire | reignoffire |
Reign of Fire II | reignoffireii |
Reign of Fire III | reignoffireiii |
Reticulum Ace | reticulumace |
Retro Archive | retroarchive |
Retro Running BBS | retrorunning |
Retro Unboxers | retrounboxers |
Retro32 BBS | retro32 |
Retroaktiv BBS | retroaktiv |
RetroBBS | retro |
Retrocomputacion BBS | retrocomputacion |
RetroDigital BBS | retrodigital |
Retrogaming Activities | retrogamingactivities |
Retrograde BBS | retrograde |
Retrograde II BBS | retrogradeii |
Retroverse | retroverse |
Reverse Polarity | reversepolarity |
Revolver Ocelot's BBS | revolverocelots |
Richard's Fun House | richardsfunhouse |
Ricks BBS | ricks |
RightBrain Networks TWGS | rightbrainnetworkstwgs |
Rise N' Shine BBS | risenshine |
River Styx BBS | riverstyx |
RMAC Diversi-Dial Station #34 | rmacdiversidialstation#34 |
RMSBBS | rms |
Roon's BBS | roons |
Roughneck BBS | roughneck |
RT66 BBS | rt66 |
Ruins BBS | ruins |
Rust Belt BBS | rustbelt |
Rusty Mailbox | rustymailbox |
SA Vintage Computer Community BBS | savintagecomputercommunity |
Sanctuary BBS | sanctuary |
Sanctum II BBS (GBBS Pro) | sanctumiigpro |
Sanctum II BBS (Mystic) | sanctumiimystic |
Sandnes BBS | sandnes |
Sands of Time | sandsoftime |
Santronics R&D Beta Site | santronicsr&dbetasite |
Santronics Software | santronicssoftware |
SBB Systems | sbbsystems |
Scene List (1) | scenelist1 |
Scene List (2) | scenelist2 |
Scooby's Doo BBS | scoobysdoo |
Scratched Reality | scratchedreality |
SD2IEC Test BBS | sd2iectest |
SDF-1 BBS | sdf1 |
Sea Breeze Gaming Network (Synchronet) | seabreezegamingnetworksynchronet |
Sea Breeze Gaming Network (TWGS) | seabreezegamingnetworktwgs |
Sea Breeze Gaming Network (Worldgroup) | seabreezegamingnetworkworldgroup |
Seattle BBS (Chinese) | seattlechinese |
Section 31 TWGS | section31twgs |
Shadow BBS | shadow |
ShadoWorks BBS | shadoworks |
Shadowscope | shadowscope |
Shamrock BBS | shamrock |
Shenk's Express | shenksexpress |
Shipwrecks & Shibboleths | shipwrecks&shibboleths |
Shodan's Core | shodanscore |
Shurato's Heavenly Sphere | shuratosheavenlysphere |
Silent Node BBS | silentnode |
Silfen Path BBS | silfenpath |
SiliconGraphics BBS | silicongraphics |
SiliconUnderground (Menu) | siliconundergroundmenu |
SiliconUnderground (ProBoard) | siliconundergroundproboard |
SiliconUnderground (Synchronet) | siliconundergroundsynchronet |
Silo 9 BBS | silo9 |
SilverHawk BBS | silverhawk |
Sinclair Retro BBS | sinclairretro |
Sinner's Heaven | sinnersheaven |
Skynet BBS (1) | skynet1 |
Skynet BBS (2) | skynet2 |
Slackers BBS | slackers |
Slime City BBS | slimecity |
Slinky's Place (MajorBBS) | slinkysplacemajor |
Slinky's Place (Synchronet) | slinkysplacesynchronet |
SlipStream BBS (1) | slipstream1 |
SlipStream BBS (2) | slipstream2 |
Smirf BBS System | smirfsystem |
Smooth's BBS | smooths |
Socket BBS | socket |
Soft Solutions | softsolutions |
Solar Bee | solarbee |
Solarflow BBS | solarflow |
Sonic BBS | sonic |
Sorcerors Isle | sorcerorsisle |
Sotano MSX BBS | sotanomsx |
Sounds of Silence BBS | soundsofsilence |
SouthEast Star | southeaststar |
Southern Amis | southernamis |
Space Junk BBS | spacejunk |
Space Odyssey | spaceodyssey |
SpaceSST BBS | spacesst |
Spades BBS | spades |
SPAINIP.ES BBS | spainip.es |
Splatter Haus | splatterhaus |
Sprawl BBS | sprawl |
Squared Circle BBS | squaredcircle |
SRNetworks BBS Service | srnetworksservice |
Star Collision BBS | starcollision |
Star Fleet HQ | starfleethq |
Star Flight BBS | starflight |
Star Mansion Returns | starmansionreturns |
Starbase 11 BBS | starbase11 |
Starbase 21 | starbase21 |
Starbase Vega BBS | starbasevega |
Starbug BBS | starbug |
StarDoc 134 | stardoc134 |
Starship Junkyard | starshipjunkyard |
Storm BBS | storm |
Storm Mountain BBS | stormmountain |
Strange Planet BBS | strangeplanet |
Street Corner BBS | streetcorner |
Strip It To Ride | stripittoride |
Subcarrier BBS | subcarrier |
Subhuman | subhuman |
Suburban Astroboy BBS System | suburbanastroboysystem |
Sumxin BBS (Chinese) | sumxinchinese |
Sunflower BBS | sunflower |
Super Dimension Fortress (SDF-1) | superdimensionfortresssdf1 |
Sursum Corda TWGS | sursumcordatwgs |
Sursum Corda! BBS | sursumcorda! |
Swap BBS | swap |
SWATS BBS | swats |
Sweden Gigabyte BBS | swedengigabyte |
Swedish User Group Of Amiga | swedishusergroupofamiga |
SwissIRC BBS | swissirc |
Synchronix | synchronix |
Sysop Solaris Dot Com (Menu) | sysopsolarisdotcommenu |
System One BBS | systemone |
T0kerz Hut | t0kerzhut |
Taco Pronto | tacopronto |
Tassie Bob BBS | tassiebob |
Technoanarchy | technoanarchy |
Techrono BBS | techrono |
Techware | techware |
TelBox | telbox |
Telehack | telehack |
Tempest Fury BBS | tempestfury |
Terminal Obsession | terminalobsession |
TFSI BBS | tfsi |
The BBS | the |
This Old Cabin (English) | thisoldcabinenglish |
This Old Cabin BBS (Swedish) | thisoldcabinswedish |
Thrace BBS | thrace |
Three Blind Mice | threeblindmice |
Throwback BBS | throwback |
Tigernet BBS | tigernet |
Time Machine BBS | timemachine |
Time Warp BBS | timewarp |
Time Warp of Future | timewarpoffuture |
Timelord BBS | timelord |
Titantic BBS Telnet | titantictelnet |
Tomato Place | tomatoplace |
Tommy's Holiday Camp | tommysholidaycamp |
Too Lazy BBS | toolazy |
Tool Shed | toolshed |
Total Lost | totallost |
Toxic Laboratory BBS | toxiclaboratory |
TQPS | tqps |
Transfer Interruped BBS | transferinterruped |
Trashcan BBS | trashcan |
Tri-Star BBS | tristar |
Triangles Mafia BBS | trianglesmafia |
Truck Stop BBS | truckstop |
Tsinghua Univ. (Fengqiao Stn.) | tsinghuauniv.fengqiaostn. |
TTY7.org TWGS | tty7.orgtwgs |
Tucumcari BBS | tucumcari |
TuxedoCat Lounge | tuxedocatlounge |
Tville Underground | tvilleunderground |
TVRi BBS | tvri |
TW Lounge BBS | twlounge |
Twixed BBS | twixed |
Two Girl BBS | twogirl |
Ultramax BBS | ultramax |
Uncensored! | uncensored! |
Uncomfortable Business | uncomfortablebusiness |
Undercurrents BBS | undercurrents |
Underground BBS | underground |
Undermine BBS | undermine |
Undernet BBS | undernet |
Unicyber BBS | unicyber |
Universe BBS | universe |
Unknown Realm (Mystic) | unknownrealmmystic |
Unknown Realm (PCBoard) | unknownrealmpcboard |
Unleashed BBS | unleashed |
UORealms BBS | uorealms |
Upside Down Magic (TWGS) | upsidedownmagictwgs |
Upside Down Magic (Worldgroup) | upsidedownmagicworldgroup |
US 99 BBS | us99 |
UserClub BBS | userclub |
USS Excelsior BBS | ussexcelsior |
Util's Retro BBS | utilsretro |
Uzi Suicide | uzisuicide |
V01d C1ph3r | v01dc1ph3r |
VA2RFC BBS | va2rfc |
Vague BBS | vague |
Valley BBS (1) | valley1 |
Valley BBS (2) | valley2 |
Vandelay Industries | vandelayindustries |
Vault BBS | vault |
Veleno BBS | veleno |
Verify-Nebula | verifynebula |
Vertrauen | vertrauen |
Vintage Pi BBS | vintagepi |
Viper BBS | viper |
Viper TWGS | vipertwgs |
Viper's Pit TWGS (Star Killer) | viperspittwgsstarkiller |
VOID BBS | void |
Vortex BBS (1) | vortex1 |
WABAC Machine BBS | wabacmachine |
Walled City | walledcity |
War Ensemble BBS | warensemble |
Warlock's Castle | warlockscastle |
Wassup | wassup |
Wastelands BBS | wastelands |
Wastelands BBS II | wastelandsii |
Weather Station BBS | weatherstation |
Weed Net | weednet |
Wehack.net (Menu) | wehack.netmenu |
Westland BBS | westland |
Whisky Lover's Amateur Radio BBS | whiskyloversamateurradio |
Who Dares Wins Amiga BBS | whodareswinsamiga |
Wicked Garden BBS | wickedgarden |
Wildcat's Castle BBS | wildcatscastle |
Wildcatter's Den | wildcattersden |
Willamette Apple Connection (WAC) BBS | willametteappleconnectionwac |
Willow Creek BBS | willowcreek |
Windy City Study House | windycitystudyhouse |
Wintermute BBS | wintermute |
Wizard's Castle | wizardscastle |
Wizard's Rainbow | wizardsrainbow |
Wizzy BBS | wizzy |
Worlds Apart (TWGS) | worldsaparttwgs |
Wormhole II BBS | wormholeii |
Wreck Hall | wreckhall |
Wretched Beagle BBS | wretchedbeagle |
Wrong Number ][ BBS | wrongnumber |
Wrong Number ][ BBS Retro 1993!! | wrongnumberretro1993!! |
Wrong Number ][ V2.0 | wrongnumberv2.0 |
Wrong Number ]I[ BBS | wrongnumberi |
Wrong Number IV BBS | wrongnumberiv |
X-Bit BBS | xbit |
X65.zone BBS (1) | x65.zone1 |
X65.zone BBS (2) | x65.zone2 |
Xibalba | xibalba |
Xserv | xserv |
Yard BBS | yard |
Youth House ][ BBS | youthhouse |
YSO Blue | ysoblue |
Zandura BBS | zandura |
Zelch BBS | zelch |
Zenas Prime | zenasprime |
Zenolab | zenolab |
Zombie Zone BBS | zombiezone |
Zone BBS (1) | zone1 |
Zone BBS (2) | zone2 |
Zooropa BBS | zooropa |
Zot TWGS | zottwgs |
Zruspa's BBS | zruspas |
ZZap BBS | zzap |